

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: Vivi

Long time no bead. See what I did there. See! (Sorry for the bad jokes. I really shouldn't try to write this tired.) But in all seriousness, I haven't done any bead sprites in a long time. Partly the reason is my new job (Now it's holidays. Yay!). In addition I also started a new hobby which takes a surprisingly lot of time. When ever I've had a few minutes free time, I've played Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. A good game with a nice nostalgic touch. And it has awesome sprites from many Final Fantasy games. Below is one of my favourites: Vivi.

Ironing wasn't the greatest success. It never really is with Hama beads. They melt kind of ugly and faster than the other brands and usually won't close. I'm growing kind of annoyed with them and probably would replace them with Artkal beads if Artkal were easier and cheaper to acquire. At least farther off Vivi looks nice. It's definitely my new favourite.